Tightness Update: Since yesterday's PT manipulation, I have continued with gentle stretching, heating and icing of my psoas, back and shoulders. Last night I was not awakened by pain in my hip - just the need to pee :) So, perhaps I'm healing...???
So, I was feeling better going into CrossFit this morning. It's usually our day off but since we will be taking Thursday off, and because the workout was so nicely designed for me to do with my upcoming race, we decided to go.
The workout was designed by Tyler and was
15 minute AMRAP of:
10 KB Swings 35#
12 Box Jumps, 12"
15 Sit-ups
I would have preferred a 16" box but there was none available, so I jumped on the 12" box. And I used the prescribed female weight for the KB swing - which is not a heavy weight.
I completed 12 rounds + 8 situps (just 7 shy of 13 rounds!)
The rest of today is a stretching day for me. Still working to get and keep that psoas muscle happy as well as keep my back and shoulders twisty and stretchy.
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