Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Not my workout


4 Rounds for time of:
200m Run
15 Push-ups
10 Deadlifts (275/225)

I did real push-ups but used caution with my shoulder, and was very happy that I was able to get through all push-ups without issue. For the deadlift, I chose 130# (was originally going to go for 140#) which was super heavy...even by the end of round 1. I was soooo slow today on this workout that most people were on deadlifts of round 2 by the time I completed my first round. Oh well, my 22:28 can only improve now, right?

For additional work, I only worked on core: slow sit-ups, and couple hundred flutter kicks.

Monday, May 9, 2011


I didn't make it to Crossfit this morning because of a terrible stomach ache from something I ate Sunday night. It was a great workout too - 800m run, 400m run backwards, 800m run, 400m run backwards. I'll have to incorporate that one into my workouts this week and see if I do better than the last time I did this workout (13:08).

But I did go on a slow run (without my garmin..bummer!) of about 6 miles. I didn't feel good going, didn't feel good doing, and felt like crap after. Not a great idea, but I was hoping I would feel better following the run.

Friday, May 6, 2011

For my birthday -- Little Method

For Crossfit today we did something called "Little Method" which is 8 Rounds of:
1 min row (max effort)
75 second rest

I wasn't really looking forward to this WOD since I absolutely hate rowing, but I was hoping to do better than I did considering I row 1k every morning I go to Crossfit. Oh well :( My distance was: 266, 269, 262, 261, 256, 250, 257, 260

I ran in the afternoon, but haven't uploaded my Garmin yet to find out the distance.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

I call it "The Beast"


Today's Crossfit WOD was a real doozy and certainly not in my wheelhouse!

Five rounds for time of:
15 Ring rows
30 Push-ups
15 Back squat (225/185)

On the ring rows, feet propped on 20″ plyo-box and rings set at arms length such that when you are hanging from the rings your back can touch the ground when arms are fully extended.

Rows: feet on 20″ box (2 R), floor (remainder)
Push-ups: Rx’d (took forever, but I did it!)
BSquat: 100#(2reps), 95#(remainder, 1st R), 85#(2nd R), 65#(remainder). Tweaked BS weight a bit – sore runner legs.

Later in the day...we went mountain biking for a couple hours! What a great day!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Fun Run

Today I went for a fun run of about 13 miles. I ran a little slow today but I'm not sure why. Didn't feel zippy, I guess, but had a great time out while the sun was shining. But as usual, I am having stomach pains following the run.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Today's WOD was kinda fun. It was a hero workout called "Moore":

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent
Run 400 meters
Max rep Handstand push-up

HSPU knees on 24″ box: 10 / 15 / 14 / 9 / 6
Row 500m instead of run