It is less than two weeks now until Moab. I'm very nervous and wish I had a month or so to train for this race. I feel a stint with staph infection and little bit of stress related depression has made training more of a struggle - especially at a time when I should have amped up my strength training, intensified my intervals, and just been overall more focused.
Since I'm signed up for the race, I've decided to tighten up the few things: 1) I'm eliminating alcohol; 2) Consistently taking vitamins; 3) eliminating the cheat dairy I love - such as blue cheese; 4) seriously decrease my intake of starchy carbs; 5) Increase stretching! I want my left hip to be solid this year. Hopefully these small tweaks will help in my overall performance on race day.
CrossfitToday at Crossfit, the WOD was to find 1 rep max of behind the neck Jerk 1-1-1-1-1-1-1.
I reached 87.5, but I could have increased that by 5 or 10 pounds if I had continued working on 1 RM instead of moving on to do the fun AMRAP - which was:
5 OHS (95 /65 )
5 burpees over pirallettes with 3 pushups each set
5 box jump (36"/27")
I chose to use 65# for OHS, real pushups for the burpees, and a wimpy 24" box for the box jumps (I'm bummed I didn't at least try the 27" box!) Because of the 3 pushups per burpee, it was difficult to hold the weight for the OHS. I ended up doing 4 rounds + OHS + burpees.
Crossfit EnduranceInterval training today will be 30/90 sec x 8. I was going to go up something steep but because by back side hurts sooo very much from Saturday's fun (Tabata up, lunge down, tabata up, lunge quarter-way down) I did my intervals on a dirt road with very little elevation gain - though there was some. My times are interesting (and keep in mind how badly my butt hurts right now so my times are not spectacular!):
1 - Speed 7.5, Pace 7:58 *Slowest
2 - Speed 9.0, Pace 6:41
3 - Speed 8.6, Pace 6:57
4 - Speed 8.8, Pace 6:49
5 - Speed 9.1, Pace 6:33
6 - Speed 9.6, Pace 6:16 ** Fastest
7 - Speed 9.2, Pace 6:29
8 - Speed 9.5, Pace 6:19
My best times were in the second half of the workout. For me, I'm usually best in the middle of the workout so I expected my best times to be in rounds 3-6 or 3-7.
250 single leg jump ropes
1k row
90 GHD situps