WOD: Hang power snatch 3-3-3-3-3 reps
I did okay, but should have been able to pull off bigger numbers. 45-50-55-55-60(f)-60(f) If we had more time, I would have gotten the 60#. I became unfocused when others in the gym started to set up for the bonus WOD of:
5 rounds for time:
- 3 hang power cleans (35#)
- 6 pullups
- 9 frog-leap box jumps (20″)
Results: 5:19
Crossfit Endurance
30 seconds on/1:00 rest x 8. Used the hill by elephants perch. Nice elevation.
1000 jump rope, single unders
125 single leg jumps, right
125 single leg jumps, left
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