Today's Crossfit workout was not one of my favorites. It was a 15 minute AMRAP of:
1 Rope Climb
10 Ring dips
20 Wall ball shots (20#10′/16#10′)
I can climb a rope so I had no modifications for that movement. I just wish there was more than 1 ascent per round. Cuz I like it ;) Of course, I had to modify the ring dips, ugh! Ring dips are a problem for me. I can do about 5 dips without a band, but not on a ring, and we're not allowed to use a band during a workout on the rings. So what I end up doing is jumping up to the top of the dip, then try slowly to lower myself. I wonder about this movement. Am I really gaining strength I need to do a full ring dip if I am only working on lowering myself? I think it would be more helpful to work with a little purple band working on both extension and flexion (there may be better terms for the movement). But...I do what I am told to do, best I can. No complaints (but I can still question ;^) And as far as the wall balls are concerned, I went a bit lighter than prescribed. I tossed the 14# to 10' target -- which was hard enough.
The workout went as I expected - I did well with the rope climb, struggled getting through 10 jumping ring dips, and tossed the wall ball one at a time, with way too many re-dos, completing 4 reps shy of 4 complete rounds. A disappointing result, but I worked on things which I need to improve. It's all good :)
Crossfit Endurance
I really liked the CFE workout for tonight but have decided to take a few more days off of CFE workout since I am only 9 days post 54+ mile run, plus serious depletion following a blooddraw only 2 days post ultra run. I am still not feeling myself so I will take a few more days, and maybe hit CFE Thursday.
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